Through yoga practice, meditation, my awareness of life increased. I started to realise, naturally, the connection with nature and impact of my own actions on others and everything around me.
I started my journey with plastic 2 years ago. I was terribly busy at that time and I really didn’t have time to research any ideas on how to reduce the plastic usage in my house. Hence, I decided to record all the ideas I implemented for the last two years. I did not do everything at once. It was a process – still is. So please be kind to yourself and try not to overload yourself. One step at the time. In the first video I explain why I feel so strong about war against plastic. Forgive my passion lol Hopefully it will make the process easier for someone else.
On you tube I posted additional links to some videos related to subject and article.
An article related to this video: very inspirational TED talk
Why recycling does not work:
#yoga #creweyoga #yogacrewe #yogacheshire #plastic #plastic free #waragainstplastic #saynotoplastic #reduceplastic #plasticfreehouse #orangelotusyoga #annasmithers