Savouring the moment
Last night during the meditation class we came up with plenty of ideas on how to extend savouring the moment. I would like to share few of them with you:
– Share the experience with others – not only during the experience but also after. Talking to people about it helps to make the connection with emotions.
– Using camera as the extension of your own lenses and capturing the moment – this one is a tricky one. With phones and digital cameras it’s easy to be mindless about taking the photos and missing the moment. However if you don’t focus on quality of the photo but use camera as extension of your own lenses, that’s when you capture the magic. I used example of macro photography which I love. Seeing the details we wouldn’t normally notice.
– Due to annoying feature of our minds, we get used to people and situations in life. We start to take them for granted. However if we remember the moments which are important, it can help us to reconnect with that loving feeling. Especially in relationships- the first kiss, first touch, first time you saw the person… try it, feel it, see if it works.