I hope you are all keeping safe and sane. So here I am writing is such a difficult time. Times full of fear and not only my own but the bigger fear, global fear. And even if we don’t want to, it still impacts us on smaller or bigger scale. And some of us can cope with it better and some of us find it very difficult. I imagine isolation can be a very challenging time for some people, not being able to see others can be difficult. For some of us however it could be a time to rest and slow down. For those on a front line it could be time of the biggest fear because they never know what they are bringing home with them to their families, children and close ones. There is the financial fear for people who are self employed and lost all their income. There is fear for all of us with struggle to get food we are used to and lifestyle we are used to. There is definitely a lot of fear around us.
So what can we do when fear takes over?
- Getting back to your body through physical yoga practice may help. But it doesn’t have to be yoga, any exercise, walking, cycling, running. Anything you can do in the situation we are in. If you have garden, maybe some garden work. To get out of our mind and come back to the body. There is also really nice mindfulness scan which helps with that. See link below:
- Breathing practice of equal breath is pretty safe however if you suffer with corona virus and have problem with breathing or very anxious, have asthma or any other medical condition which could impact the ability to breath please avoid it for now.
The idea is to make your inbreath and outbreath equal. Start with count which is natural to your breath and with time you can increase the count. So for example if you naturally breathing on count to 3, start with that but you can increase it with time to count of 8 or 10.
- Find things you love to do. There are so many courses available online for free at the moment it’s actually overwhelming. But go back to what you love doing and find time to do it. Is it painting, reading, writing, dancing, singing, playing instruments, or maybe cooking or baking? Think what you love. This situation which we are in is out of or control, but it can bring benefits as well.
- I know in times like that it’s difficult to think about bigger picture but sometimes it helps to help others. So check with your neighbours, do they need help? Are they isolating? Catching up with family and checking how they are.
- This situation definitely gave me opportunity to be grateful. A lot of things I took for granted every day, my lifestyle all of that is not accessible at the moment. And I am grateful for food on my table. Each week when I get my vegetable box delivered to my door I smile and I appreciate all this hard work farmers put to grow it, deliver it to shop and shop deliver to me. And when I cook I cook with love and appreciation of the months of growth for me to be able to cook it for dinner. I also appreciate all the people working at the moment to keep our life as normal. I appreciate the nature. With all the craziness around us that’s my source of stillness. It goes on as nothing ever happened. I can almost hear it breathing with relief and enjoyed a short break from us.
- Take one day at a time. Just get up and practice mindfulness all day. Try to stay in a present moment instead of allowing the mind to take us to the past or the future.
- Be kind to yourself. If you are at home like me and find you have more time than usual, it doesn’t mean you have to do more. I know there is a whole list of things you could tackle but if the situation is overwhelming and it’s not happening for whatever reason just be kind to yourself. There is no right or wrong. Whatever is – is.
The situation we are in is not in our control, we didn’t choose it. But here we are. And I think it’s brilliant opportunity to think about life and what’s important. What do you want from life? What is important to you? Not to your family, society, but you? What do you want to come back to when everything is over.
I found myself that I love teaching yoga to children and due to safeguarding issues and my insurance I can not do it at the moment, but they are working on it. And miss it a lot. And I love it. I found that writing is something what I am passionate about and still want to keep doing it. I found my yoga practice is keeping me sane and grounded and I appreciate it more than ever.
What is important to you?
And of course if you still want to join my weekly classes it’s never too late. Please see information below.
Classes open to new, past and current students. New students need to fill in health questionnaire before attending
- Gentle Hatha Yoga – Mondays 7.30PM
- Relaxation and Mindfulness Class – Wednesdays 8PM
- FREE Community Chat – Tuesdays 7PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 963 858 700
Password: 422475
- Private 1:1 with adults, Family Yoga and Kids Yoga available on request.
- Hatha Yoga £5 ticket for a single class – choose a date
- Relaxation Single ticket £4 – choose a date
As a self-employed person, I understand that for some of us financial situation can be difficult. If you cannot pay the full amount, please use donation ticket. If you cannot pay anything at all, please contact me. We are all in this together! You can also use paypal account if you wish
Or ask for my account number to avoid charges.
You also need to agree with the below to participate:
I take responsibility for my own health and safety whilst participating in the yoga class, whether face to face or remote, and I also understand that it is my responsibility to:
- check with my doctor if I have any difficulties or concerns about my ability to participate in the yoga class
- advise the yoga tutor of any change in my medical information or ability to participate in the yoga class
- follow the advice given by my doctor and/or yoga tutor remain on screen when participating in a remote yoga session
I understand that for any periods of time throughout a remote session during which I move off screen or are outside of the teacher’s view, whether intentionally or not; no liability will arise on the part of the teacher.
Why Yoga?
– to de-stress during coronavirus
– It improves flexibility, strength and balance if practiced regularly.
– It has potential impact on relaxation response and helps to relax.
– It has impact on internal organs and hormones.
– Could promote sleep quality.
– Helps with breathing.
– And many, many more – you need to experience it!
Also if you are staying at home with kids from next week I will be posting every day on Facebook some easy breathing practices for children and parents to keep us sane and calm
So like Orange Lotus Yoga page and check the updates. Also “Yogi Superhero” is available on amazon if you are struggling for ideas what to do with kids.
You tube video explains on how you can use it
And most important stay healthy and safe!