Very often in my life when I found myself in a difficult situation I waited for something to happen, someone to save me from it, instead of facing it. Life has a way of pulling our attention into the future, enticing us with the allure of “someday.” We often tell ourselves that things will change, that happiness will come, that life will truly begin—on Monday, next month, or at the start of a new year. We wait for the perfect conditions, for someone to save us, for the right circumstances to align. But what if that “someday” never comes?
Yoga teaches us that life is not a distant horizon but the ground beneath our feet, the breath we take, the moment we live right now. Living in the present moment is not just a practice; it is a powerful realisation that waiting holds us back from experiencing the fullness of life.
Stop Waiting for the Right Time
“I’ll start on Monday.” “Next year will be my year.” How often do we delay our actions to some arbitrary point in the future? We postpone joy, growth, and change as if the perfect time is a tangible thing waiting just around the corner. But life does not pause while we wait. The right time is not coming because it is already here. Take action now—however imperfect or small—and step into the present moment, because tomorrow may never happen.
Stop Waiting for Someone Else to Save You
When I was young, I had a phase when I read hundreds of romantic stories, and in every single one of them a secret to a happily ever after was to marry a prince. Subconsciously, that’s what I was waiting for, to meet someone who will save me from my problems and take them away. And even though I met a person I love, I understood that the rubbish in my mind is for me to deal with and it’s nobody else’s responsibility. It’s comforting to think someone might come along to rescue us from our struggles, to provide clarity, or to bring happiness. But the truth is, no one else can live our lives for us. You are your own greatest teacher and healer. Yoga reminds us that all the tools we need to thrive are within us. Trust yourself to be the hero of your own story.
Stop Wanting to Be Somewhere or Someone Else
“If only I were there, then I’d be happy.” “If I could be like them, life would be easier.” These thoughts lead us away from gratitude and self-acceptance. Everything in our lives—the challenges, the triumphs, the mundane—is part of our journey and a lesson waiting to unfold. By resisting the present, we miss the beauty of where we are and who we are becoming.
Embrace the Power of Now
The present moment is all we ever truly have. Yoga teaches us to anchor ourselves in the here and now through breath, movement, and mindfulness. The richness of life exists in the pauses, the sensations, the connection to our own inner being. When we stop waiting, we open ourselves to the freedom of living fully, with awareness and intention.
Start small. Take a deep breath and feel its fullness. Look around and notice the colours, textures, and sounds of your world. Take one step toward the life you envision, not tomorrow but today. Stop waiting for the right moment, the right person, or the right place—they’re already within you.
Life is happening now. Stop waiting. Start living.