You are the light

Happy New Year! I hope you had an enjoyable break, and that you are ready for our yoga again! We have re-started our classes on 10th of January.
I will not talk about new year’s resolutions because they don’t work for me. I will not encourage “the New Year–New You” way. It didn’t work for me either. I believe every second of your life is a turning point. You don’t have to wait for the New Year or tomorrow. If you want to change something, just do it now. And one step at a time. Slowly.
Last month, I promised to talk more about how to keep the light in times of darkness. And here are some ideas.

  • Instead of asking why? Ask – is there anything I have learned through this experience? In life, like in winter, dark days happen. It’s part of life experience. We simply can’t avoid it. But what we can do is to change how we react to what life is throwing at us. Seeing life as an experience, as a lesson, helped me a lot. Because it focuses my mind on what I am in control of. Me. And the only thing I can truly change is me.

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