FREE Outdoor Family Yoga and storytelling sessions

The WILDER WEEKEND is your chance to have some fun in nature!
As you probably know yoga and nature are my two favourite things in life. And now I can offer them both, for FREE! ? Before I share with the wider public I wanted you to know first.
I am happy to announce as part of Cheshire Wildlife Trust activities in Crewe, I will be providing FREE Family Yoga and storytelling sessions on Sunday 25th of Sep:
Suitable for children ages 4-9.
Yogi Superhero Adventures in Nature – Family Yoga session and storytelling prepared by the author. A fun Family yoga activity designed around the Forest and woodland animals

Tree Full of wonder – Family Yoga Session based on the book Tree Full of Wonder. Tree Full of Wonder is a vibrant, rhyming, educational and unique picture book showing the unbreakable bond between people and trees. For children ages 3-8. Kids will fall in love with nature and will become Protectors of the Trees.
Mindful stories for kids create a brighter and calmer future, one child at a time.

Through included, simple information, breathtaking illustrations and worksheets at the end, children will discover:
– Why trees are important and useful to us
– What can we do to protect them
– How to recognise common trees
There will be also a Tree Hunt available for children/families,  and a few paperback copies of my book hidden somewhere in the trees, and you will have to find them…
Limited spaces are available. Book yours NOW! ?
1 space = 1 mat for the parent and child or two parents and a child, or a parent and two children
Once you booked your space, the health questionnaire will be emailed to you.
Location: Bandstand, Queens Park 25th of Sep 2022
Outdoor Family Yoga – Yogi Superhero Adventures in Nature – Forest 2 pm – 2.30 pm

Outdoor Family Yoga – Tree Full of Wonder  2.45 pm – 3.15 pm
The benefits of Family Yoga in nature:
– discover more about the well-being benefits of nature 
– have fun as a family
– learn more about trees and forest
– combining calming effects of Yoga and Nature
For more information visit:   
Hope to see you soon

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