Are you looking for a natural way to manage menopause symptoms like anxiety or insomnia? Join us for a relaxing and rejuvenating Yoga Nidra session designed specifically for menopausal women.
As Petra Coveney wrote in her book: “Menopause is a positive opportunity for self-insight and personal growth, a chance to heal emotional pain, make peace with her past and befriend herself and her body with self-love, so that she can step into her post-reproductive life feeling released, renewed and empowered by the embrace of compassionate self-acceptance. It can feel like a spiritual awakening as she starts to perceive herself and the world around her in a different way. In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), post-menopause is considered to be a fulfilling stage when a woman is ‘Moving into Wholeness’ (Zhao, 2006, p.205), and she may discover her voice and a new sense of purpose or creative expression that brings her joy. The energy that was previously expended on the hormonal upheaval and pain of monthly menstruation can be redirected to new passions. She may find a renewed energy and use this to tend to nature and the environment or take on a leadership role, helping to heal communities and campaign for justice. Or she may not. It is her individual journey. Every woman is unique; we cannot write her menopause journey, nor would we want to. It is her journey.”
Menopause is a transformative period marked by significant changes in the body and brain. As oestrogen levels decline, many women experience symptoms such as mood swings, brain fog, and disrupted sleep, reflecting the profound impact of hormonal shifts on brain function. This phase demands greater self-care, as the body works to recalibrate and adapt. Prioritising rest is crucial during menopause, not only to manage fatigue but also to support mental clarity, emotional resilience, and overall well-being, allowing the brain and body the space needed to navigate this natural transition. And yoga nidra could be a solution to that. So why not try it?
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to find relief in the comfort of your own home. Register now and take the first step towards a more balanced and harmonious menopausal journey.
Contact me for details