10-day Mindfulness Challenge
Starting 20th of April 2020!
For people who are too busy to do yoga!
I created private group where I will post short, 5-10-minute-long mindfulness practice for morning and evening to fit into your life.
What to do
1. Like Orange Lotus Yoga page
2. Follow the link
3. Request to join the group
4. Answer ALL the questions (required for insurance)
5. Enjoy in your own time – content will be uploaded from 20th of April.
Access and content are FREE. However, if at the end you think that was beneficial for you, you can always donate some money. Only if you can afford it and there is no pressure.
Why mindfulness?
Those practices can help us to increase our ability to regulate emotions, decrease stress, anxiety and depression. It can also help us to observe our mind, thoughts and emotions, without judgment and creating safe space for them just to be.
#yoga #yogacrewe #creweyoga #yogacheshire #cheshireyoga #mindfulness #mindfulnesschallenge #10daymindfulnesschallenge