Energy Healing

Prana Vidya – Energy Healing

If you are interested in this ancient healing method please feel free to contact me.

In yoga, we know that we are not only our physical body and our mind, we also recognise that there’s a whole energy system inside of us and body, mind and energy are interconnected. And I think we all experienced it. We know when we have a low energy or a high energy. The whole concept of energy is based on Prana.

Even science started to understand better how we work. In 2016, Yoshinori Ohsumi won the Nobel Prize for his research on Autophagy. It’s a self-healing process during which our damaged cells are being removed and stop replicating, helping us to become healthier. This process can be induced by fasting, the process helps us to rejuvenate the cells. It can help the immune system by cleaning up toxins and it starts to use alternative sources of energy stored in our fat for years. Recently intermediate fasting has become very popular and I’m a big practitioner of both. But let’s talk more about prana.

What is Prana?

Prana, a fundamental concept in Indian philosophy and yogic practice, refers to the vital life force or energy that permeates the universe and sustains all living beings. Prana is akin to the concept of “chi” in Chinese medicine or “ki” in Japanese traditions, signifying a universal energy that animates every aspect of life, from the smallest cell to the vast cosmos. We receive this energy through breath, food, air, skin and water.

And if we think about it – everything is made out of atoms containing vast amount of energy, it makes sense.

Prana flows through the body along energy pathways known as nadis and is concentrated in specific energy centres called chakras. It looks a little bit like our nervous system in the body just on a subtle level.

Emotional Trauma and Energy Blockages

Emotional trauma can significantly disrupt the flow of prana, creating blockages that manifest as physical illness or tension. Unprocessed emotions, such as fear, anger, or sadness, can become lodged within the body’s energy system, obstructing the natural flow of prana and leading to various health issues.

When emotional trauma is not addressed, it can create deep-seated blockages in the energy pathways, which in turn cause physical symptoms. For example, someone who has experienced significant emotional stress might develop chronic pain or tension.

And why I know that? For many years, I experienced persistent tension in my jaw. This discomfort was not only physically painful but also emotionally draining, as it served as a constant reminder that something within me was out of balance. Despite trying various treatments, the tension persisted, leaving me frustrated and seeking deeper answers.

My breakthrough came through my Prana Vidya meditation practice and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy, a powerful psychotherapeutic approach designed to help individuals process and heal from traumatic experiences. During my EMDR sessions, I delved into memories and emotions that I had long suppressed, uncovering a deep-seated trauma related to my father’s abandonment.

I never really thought about it because I was only 6 months old when he left and I never knew him. However our subconscious registers everything from our birth and even before that. These unresolved emotions had unknowingly lodged themselves in my jaw, manifesting as chronic tension. Through EMDR therapy, I was able to confront and process these painful memories, releasing the emotional burden I had carried for so long. As I worked through the trauma, the tension in my jaw began to dissipate, illustrating the profound connection between emotional healing and physical well-being.

Prana Vidya

Prana Vidya, is a meditation practice which includes breathwork, visualization, and meditation, aimed at cleansing the nadis and balancing the chakras to restore optimal energy flow. It’s an ancient technique passed from a teacher to a student for thousands of years. It can be used for self-healing but it can also be used for healing others. I have been practicing it as a self -healing practice for 10 years but recently my teacher passed his knowledge and I learned how to use the energy to heal others. So if you are interested please contact me for more information.

However, as we all know not everything can be healed. Some illnesses serve a purpose for us to look at our lives and learn a lesson. I’ve heard many stories from people who went through a severe illness, that it was the turning point in their lives. How they changed their lives completely and understood their priorities. How they listened to life and slowed down, decreasing the unnecessary stress and pressure. How they look at their life and asked themselves a question – what am I searching for? What makes me happy? How much money is enough money? What am I chasing?

Incorporating these practices into daily life can lead to profound shifts in health and consciousness, enabling us to live more vibrant and fulfilling lives. The journey of healing is however deeply personal, and we all have our own path and our own pace. Nothing can be rushed. Life is a process and everything happens for a reason.
